Checklist to help You to find a New Career Opportunity
A possible path to follow and questions to answer!!!
I need a change of Job – Why?
- What do I really want to do? Same or New?
Ok so your CV is up to date what now?
Now you have an interview organised – what have you done to research the company?
At the Interview
After the interview
After The Interview Process: Negotiating Contract of Employment
I am happy now! When do I start?
Why do you want to leave your current employment, if there is a problem can you fix it?
If yes, do you want to fix it?
If no, why not?
These are questions you will be asked by potential employers!!!
What do I really want to do, is it the same as I have always done or am I looking for a new challenge?
- Do I have the relevant experience for this new challenge?
- Is it clearly defined and demonstrated on my current CV
- Are the positives displayed in Clear Language do you have a ‘brag file’ of achievements or letter(s) of excellence from former Employers or Customers.
- Have you done something that has given you industry recognition?
- What references can I use to confirm this?
- Looking for a new challenge, why?
- Can you explain this clearly to a new potential employer?
- Will you need to enter in at a lower level, are you prepared to drop salary?
Ok so your CV is up to date what now?
Decide an Action Plan, think of companies you would like to work for, current competitors, New Industries. Are you willing to work away from home (have you discussed it with your partner, if applicable).
Who can I get to help me get interviews at my target companies and be able to identify the decision makers within these organisations or is this something I wish to do myself?
What websites are suited to your industry are they reputable and have a good online security system, important if you are still in a job and a recruiter could inform your current employer they have seen your CV online and you are looking for a new job!
Now you have an interview organised what have you done to research the company?
Have you checked their:
- Financial Position available through companies house at your local Library for free
- What they specialise in, position in the market, Annual Reports and then think how you could make a difference within the company.
- Have you called up the company and spoke to someone in the business and ask questions on what it is like to work there etc.
What questions will the interviewer ask is there a job specification, information pack available.
What is the recruitment process and why has the job became available what are the prospects within the company for your next career move?
At the Interview
- Are you prepared personally for the interview?
- What questions will you ask the interviewers?
- How have you decided to dress for the interview, is it formal if so you need to dress appropriately including personal hygiene fingers nails clean and cut?
- Do you know where you are going and where the interview is taking place within the building?
- If meeting in a hotel have you arranged how you are going to meet up within each other, have you shared mobile numbers?
After the interview
- Get feedback from the recruiter or direct from the company
- What was the outcome?
- Have you been successful?
- If yes, what is the next stage of the process?
- If no, what learning opportunities have been highlighted?
- And back to the beginning of looking for a new job
After The Interview Process: Negotiating Contract of Employment
- What are the standard terms of their Contract of Employment?
- What is the Remuneration Package, How am I paid my salary and commissions (if applicable)
- What are the Benefits and what are my rewards for achieving company Targets, how is this paid money, shares etc
- Who do I speak with to get the things I am unhappy with amended
- When do I start, what will my salary be for that month?
- What is my holiday entitlement and can I carry days unused over to the next year
- Disciplinary process
- Pension rights, can I transfer into their scheme and if I don’t wish to, what contributions will they make to my private pension.
- If I am leaving a company what impact will it have on my pension?
I am happy now! When do I start?
- Where will your place of work be and who will you report to and at what time?
- What tools of the job will be supplied e.g. Business Cards, Mobile Telephone, Laptops etc.
- Do you have to fill in a timesheet or sign in somewhere?
- What things should you take on your first day?
- What is the dress code?
- What have I forgotten to do? Contact numbers for family in case of Emergencies
- Car License and copy of Passport to prove eligibility to work in the UK
- Bank Details for your salary
- National Insurance Number
- Company Induction