Resources to support your journey to a new career
The Aliens were keen to understand Babies, Communication and why the number of lights kept increasing and spreading over time …
Babies Training Adults
Discuss what do new babies do and what you do when they do that …
Babies Learning
Discuss what babies of say 6 months and up do and what you do when they do that …
Language and Oral Tradition is the foundation of much learning …
Social Learning and imitation, probably preceded language.
Discuss examples of present day social learning …
Writing – what are the benefits over the spoken word?
Formal Learning
How many humans were there …
70,000 BC / BCE? 10,000 BCE? 8,000 BCE? 5,000 BCE? 1,000 BCE? 500 BCE?
1 AD / CE? 1000? 1850? 1900? 1960? 1975? 1990? 2000? 2010?
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