Resources to support your journey to a new career

Job Search Practice

The focus of this session is to use the thinking and work done to date to follow the full job search and application process for a job you really really want:

  1. Remind yourself of your DREAM Job or a plausible / acceptable alternative.
  2. Use this site, the job site links or others and Find a Vacancy.
  3. Visit the Next Steps link and review the Job Profile.
  4. Gather all the information available on the vacancy – is there job description, person specification etc.
  5. Review your c.v. – does anything need tweaked? Discuss with class mate or tutor.
  6. Fill in the sample Application Form and Equal Opportunities Form given a few weeks ago or print from this site.
  7. Read about covering letters on Next Steps and write a formal cover letter to support your application.
  8. If you were the recruiter what do you think you would be looking for? Review the c.v. and letter again.
  9. Research the organisation? Anything else you want to tweak?
  10. What questions do you think the interview panel will ask? Write brief bullet point answers for those.
  11. Discuss what you have and have found with a class mate or the tutor.
  12. Is it as good as you can make it? If yes submit it to the tutor. If not get polishing again.