Resources to support your journey to a new career


When a new group forms, it takes time to become effective at working together.

Bruce Tuckman developed a model that indicates that most groups follow a cycle of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. (Later others added Adjourning).

To help us to “FORM” as a group, we will use a few simple exercises and activities.

First the Class Contract

First the Class Contract

In order for us to work well together it is useful to agree some basic rules, some are for our mutual health & safety, some for courtesy and mostly so that we can all get on and work effectively together.

Following are the Class Rules from “the Academy” where the group comprised some “fairly tough” characters – all those who chose to join and stay in the class “signed up” for the following rules:

You should already be aware of the Academy Rules:

  • No Smoking
  • No Graffiti
  • No Feet On Desks And Chairs
  • No Disrupting The Lessons
  • Must Take Part In The Planned Lesson / Activity
  • Do Not Leave The Class / Work Area Without Authorisation /HallPass

Let’s be business like:

  • Empty Cups Etc Must Be Cleared Up And Placed In The Bin / Bag Provided
  • Room / Work Area To Be Tidied Up By Group At End Of The Class
  • Take due care of tools, materials and resources

Most important you should:

  • Participate
  • Communicate
  • Mutual Respect
  • Enjoy and Be Challenged
  • Learn

Do you agree to these / do you want others?

I suggest we add, and I have added something about timekeeping and bringing to the class the things you will need in the class e.g. your notepad, notes, pens etc.

The DRAFT Class Contract can be found below:

Coatbridge Class Contract – Employability Skills (Word Document)

Coatbridge Class Contract – Employability Skills (PDF)

Introduction and Ice Breaker

Introduction and Ice Breaker.

Ready to start?

Get together in pairs – not with someone you already know well!

We would like you to interview them – not formally but as a chat.

Find out the following (and write down key points as you go):

  • What is their name?
  • Where they are from?
  • What kinds of work have they done in the past and what kinds of organisations have they worked for?
  • What do they enjoy doing and what are their hobbies and interests?
  • What would their “Dream Job” be?  Please try and focus on something plausible not total fantasy!
  • Lastly – what is the headline to their “Strange But True Story”?

We all have a strange but true … David’s is “The Stranglers stole my shoe”.

  • Once you have all interviewed your “partner” you will take turns to introduce each other to the group. Feel free to be creative and introduce them “celebrity style” if you would like to.