Resources to support your journey to a new career

After the interview

After the interview, did the interview go well?

While it is still fresh in your mind, think about how the interview went:

  • what went well?
  • what went badly?
  • were there any questions you found difficult and why?

Use a check list to help you identify areas for improvement.

Did you:

  • arrive on time?
  • dress appropriately?
  • greet the interviewer politely?
  • sit well and avoid fidgeting?
  • answer the questions fully enough?
  • sell myself – stress why I was the best person for the job?
  • describe my previous duties well?
  • look at the interviewer and smile occasionally?
  • thank the interviewer for taking the time to see me?

Try to learn as much as you can from each interview.

Aim to become more prepared and confident in the future by looking for areas to improve and developing your stronger areas of performance.

In this way you will increase your chance of getting that job